Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Your Confidence is Showing

Easter was amazing! I enjoyed seeing so many of my PeeWee friends this weekend. Thank you for sharing the meaning of Easter with your PeeWees and bringing them to church. Many new friends came as well. Great job inviting your friends and family to church. What a great example you were to your children.

Always remember that you are teaching your children whether you mean to or not. When you come to church and engage in the worship - you are teaching your children the value of worship. When you invite friends to come - you are teaching the value of sharing the Good News with others. When you bring your children to PeeWeeVille and confidently leave them in the class to learn about God - oh......you are teaching so much........
  • The value of learning about God
  • The value of worship
  • Trust - you are helping your PeeWee develop trust for others within safe boundaries
  • Trust in you - you are teaching your PeeWee that you will do what you say you will do........you will return just like you said you would.
  • The ability to go into new places with confidence and make new friends

Remember that the opposite is true also. When you don't leave your PeeWee with confidence........(remember they can sense your fear and hesitancy)

  • They feel afraid.
  • They begin to see no value for learning about God.
  • They never have an opportunity to learn to trust.

So check out PeeWeeVille........put us to the test.........make sure we are at the top of our game.........then trust God to care for your PeeWee in this place and leave them with confidence with us.

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